The FCC has announced that the proposed USF contribution factor for the second quarter of 2025 will be 36.6 percent.
All tagged USAC
The FCC has announced that the proposed USF contribution factor for the second quarter of 2025 will be 36.6 percent.
USAC has filed projected universal service fund contribution base data for the third quarter of calendar year 2023.
The FCC’s Office of Managing Director has announced that the proposed universal service fund contribution factor for the first quarter of 2023 will be 32.6 percent.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held an oral argument in Consumers’ Research v. FCC., a legal challenge to universal service fund contributions.
USAC has filed projected USF contribution base data which will be used to determine the USF contribution factor for the first quarter of calendar year 2023.
USAC has filed projected universal service fund contribution base data which will be used to determine the USF contribution factor for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2022.
The FCC has filed its opening brief in Consumers’ Research v. FCC, a legal challenge concerning USF contributions being heard by the U.S. Court Of Appeals For The Fifth Circuit.
The FCC has announced that the proposed USF contribution factor for the third quarter of 2022 will be will be 33 percent – an increase of 9.2 from last quarter.
USAC has filed the Federal Universal Service Support Mechanisms Fund Size Projections for the third quarter of 2022.
The Universal Service Administrative Company has filed projected universal service fund (USF) contribution base data which will be used to determine the USF contribution factor for the second quarter of calendar year 2022.