All in USF

FCC’s Draft Rural Broadband Order Attempts To Fix Inadequate Legacy USF Budget

The FCC has released a draft rural broadband order that will be considered at the FCC’s December open meeting. In the draft order, the FCC adopts a new universal service fund budget for rate-of-return carriers subject to legacy cost-based rules that is based on uncapped 2018 claims, increased annually by inflation. The increased budget comes with the condition that support recipients with deployment obligations provide broadband service at speeds of 25/3 Mbps rather than 10/1 Mbps.

A-CAM II: A New Model Offer for “Legacy” Rate-of-Return Carriers

The FCC has released a draft order that revises universal service fund rules that apply to rate-of-return incumbent local exchange carriers. In the order, the FCC offers model-based USF support to all rate-of-return carriers currently subject to “legacy” cost-based rules. The new model offer – A-CAM II –is similar to the original A-CAM offer but with several critical adjustments.

Draft Rural Broadband Order – New A-CAM Funding Offer Will Provide $200 Per Location, With Increased 25/3 Mbps Deployment Obligations

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai has released a draft rural broadband order that will be considered at the FCC’s December 2018 open meeting. Among other things, the draft order provides a new set of model support offers to rate-of-return carriers currently receiving Alternative Connect America Cost Model funding. The new offer provides support of up to $200 per location, per month, tied to an obligation to build out 25/3 Mbps broadband service to additional locations.

FCC Asks How National Defense Authorization Act Applies To Proposal To Ban Suppliers That Pose A National Security Threat To U.S. Communications Networks

The FCC is seeking comment on the applicability of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 to the FCC’s “national security” rulemaking. The FCC wants input on how Section 889 of the NDAA may impact the FCC’s proposal to prohibit the use of Universal Service Fund support to purchase equipment or services from suppliers that pose a national security threat.

New Ambitious Performance Testing Framework For Fixed Broadband Providers Receiving USF Support

The Federal Communications Commission has released an Order setting a framework for measuring speed and latency performance for broadband providers that receive high-cost universal service fund support to serve fixed locations. Broadband provides must conduct the required testing using one of three options, and submit their results annually. Failure to comply will result in a loss of support.