Kansas Broadband News

Bill Abston Announced As New Director Of Kansas Office Of Broadband Development

March 17, 2025 – Bill Abston has been announced as the new Director of the Kansas Office of Broadband Development (KOBD). In his position as Director, Mr. Abston will “oversee the state’s broadband initiatives that are expanding high-speed internet access across Kansas.” Mr. Abston was previously a Principal at BBS Consulting, LLC in Tennessee, and the CEO of Hoosier Networks in Indiana. He has decades of experience working in the telecommunications industry and on infrastructure projects.

Mergers & Acquisitions: Private Equity Acquiring IdeaTek

March 11, 2025 – Last Dance Intermediate III, LLC (Transferee) and IdeaTek Holdings, LLC (Transferor) have filed a Section 214 application requesting FCC consent to transfer indirect control of IdeaTek Telcom, LLC (Licensee) from Transferor to Transferee. Financial details have not been made public, and the application has not yet been put on Public Notice by the Wireline Competition Bureau. The FCC docket for the transaction is WC 25-129.

Last Dance Intermediate III, LLC is a newly formed Delaware limited liability company created for the purpose of completing the Transaction. Last Dance Intermediate III, LLC is indirectly, wholly owned by Last Dance Holdings, L.P. (Last Dance Holdings), an investment fund also created for the purpose of the Transaction. Last Dance Holdings is primarily owned and controlled by funds and entities affiliated with Oak Hill Capital Management (Oak Hill) and Pamlico Capital Management (Pamlico), which are private equity funds based in the United States. The equity in the Oak Hill and Pamlico funds is held through passive limited (and insulated) partnership interests held by numerous, primarily U.S.-based investors, including individuals, trusts, institutions and business entities. Control of these funds ultimately rests in U.S. entities or citizens.

IdeaTek Holdings, LLC is a holding company that is primarily owned by (1) Equity Group of Kansas, LLC (32.52% equity) and (2) funds and entities controlled by Peppertree Capital Management, Inc. (46.08% equity).

IdeaTek Telcom, LLC primarily operates in Kansas, where it is authorized to provide local exchange and interexchange services and is designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC). It is also authorized to provide local exchange, interexchange, and interconnected VoIP services in Missouri. IdeaTek Telcom, LLC has been authorized by the FCC to receive Connect America Fund Phase II auction support and Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I support.

Pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of February 22, 2025, by and among the parties, Transferee will acquire all of the outstanding voting and equity interests in Transferor. As a result of the Transaction, Licensee will become an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Transferee. Transferee will remain indirectly, wholly owned by Last Dance Holdings. The parties maintain that the transaction will serve the public interest, and will have no adverse impact on the customers or operations of Licensee.

KCC Opens Docket For Annual Certification Of Compliance With Section 254(e) – Appropriate Use Of Federal Universal Service Fund Support – ETCs Must File By June 30, 2025

March 11, 2025 – The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) has opened a docket to be used by eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) to file reports required by Section 54.313 of the FCC’s rules. The KCC will use the filings and the docket to determine whether to certify that each Kansas ETC’s use of federal universal service fund (USF) support is appropriate. Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. Section 254(e), carriers that receive Federal USF support must certify annually that they have used, and will use, such support “only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended.” For 2025, the KCC will determine whether to certify that Kansas ETCs will use their federal USF support for 2026 in compliance with Section 254(e), and whether Kansas ETCs used their 2024 federal USF support appropriately. Kansas ETCs must file their certification forms, USF worksheets, and other data in Docket 25-GIMT-332-GIT on or before June 30, 2025. Copies of the supporting excel files must be emailed to KCC telecom staff. Additional information is available in the KCC staff’s Report And Recommendation that is attached to the Order opening the docket.

South Central Telephone Requests Waiver Of KCC Telecommunications Billing Practice Standards

March 10, 2025 – South Central Telephone Association, Inc. has filed an application with the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) requesting a waiver of Sections IV.D.(1) and (2) of the KCC’s Telecommunications Billing Practice Standards. Those sections require telecommunications carriers to give a subscriber seven calendar days written notice, sent via U.S. mail, before suspending or disconnecting their voice service. South Central is requesting a waiver to allow it “to substitute electronic mailing of notices of suspension or disconnection of service.” The KCC has previously granted similar waivers of Sections IV.D.(1) and (2). South Central states that its “company-wide cost…to process and mail paper disconnect notices for the 2024 calendar year was $5,213.19 across all jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional services.” The KCC Docket Number for the proceeding is 25-SCNT-346-MIS.

Lakeview Village Retirement Community Files Two Formal Complaints Against Everfast Fiber Networks For Extensive Network Outage

March 6, 2025 – Lakeview Village Inc., a retirement community in Johnson County, Kansas, has filed two formal complaints with the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) against Everfast Fiber Networks. The KCC Docket Numbers for the two formal complaints are 25-EFNT-342-COM and 25-EFNT-343-COM. Both complaints provide the following facts and circumstances:

On or about February 1st, 2025 Lakeview Village determined a phone outage on campus. This was then reported to Everfast, where Lakeview was first told this would be resolved in a timely manner 48-72 hours. As time went on further during the week of 2/2/2025, Lakeview was told it was a network card down and one was overnighted and the redundancy that they thought existed did not. It was not until approx 2/21/2025 that the majority of the residential lines were restored. Lakeview continues to experience intermittent line outages and those are promptly reported to Everfast.

Complaint one contains the following statement: This account services approximately 200 lines including federally required services to our licensed Skilled Nursing Facility, Assisted Living Facility, Fire Panels, and Elevator Call Boxes. Complaint two contains the following statement: This account services approximately 665 residential phone lines purchased under a bulk services agreement. Lakeview requests that the following actions be ordered by the KCC to resolve the complaint:

  • Everfast to have necessary equipment in place for redundancy should a similar event happen in the future.

  • Everfast to improve and provide daily communication when an outage does take place.

  • Everfast provide a guaranteed level of service with 99.99% uptime on the residential phone lines.

TransWorld Network Corp. Changes Name To TransWorld Network, LLC

March 5, 2025 – TransWorld Network Corp. has filed an application requesting that the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) change the company’s name to TransWorld Network, LLC in all official records at the earliest possible date. The company states that is “was originally authorized to provide resold interexchange and operator services under the name of Strategic Alliances, Inc. and notified the Commission on July 28, 1999 that it had changed its name to TransWorld Network, Corp.” The company further states that it “has changed its name to TransWorld Network, LLC,” and that the “name change is invisible to customers.” In September 2024, the company filed a certificate of conversion with the Kansas Secretary of State to convert the company from a for-profit corporation to a Kansas limited liability company. The KCC Docket Number for the proceeding is 25-TWOC-339-CCN.

Gorham Telephone Requests Waiver Of Telecommunications Billing Practice Standards

March 3, 2025 – Gorham Telephone Company, Inc. has filed an application with the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) requesting a waiver of Sections IV.D.(1) and (2) of the KCC’s Telecommunications Billing Practice Standards. Those sections require telecommunications carriers to give a subscriber seven calendar days written notice, sent via U.S. mail, before suspending or disconnecting service. Gorham is requesting a waiver to allow it “to substitute electronic mailing of notices of suspension or disconnection of service.” The KCC has previously granted similar waivers of sections IV.D.(1) and (2). Sending electronic notices will allow Gorham to remove the costs of processing and mailing paper notices, which were $549.46 in calendar year 2024. The KCC Docket Number for the proceeding is 25-GRHT-337-MIS.

Global Crossing Companies To Cease Providing Services In Kansas On June 24, 2025

March 3, 2025 – Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. and Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. have filed a joint application notifying the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) of the companies’ intent to cease providing services in Kansas. Specifically, the Global Crossing companies intend to cease providing local exchange and interexchange services in Kansas on June 24, 2025. Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. is seeking approval to discontinue local exchange services. Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. is seeking approval to discontinue interexchange services. The companies explain that the discontinuances will have minimal impact because they serve a limited number of subscribers, and those customers will have ample time to transition to another service provider that provides the discontinued services. The companies state that as of November 27, 2024, they had only 10 total customers in Kansas. The KCC has opened two dockets for the joint filing: 25-GLCC-335-CCS and 25-GCLT-334-CCS.

ETC Tracker:  10 ETC Applications Currently Pending Before The Kansas Corporation Commission

March 1, 2025 – There are currently 10 eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) applications pending before the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC). Five applications request an initial designation as a Lifeline-only ETC. Four applications were filed by entities that have been designated as ETCs and are seeking an expansion of their ETC service areas. One applicant is seeking a relinquishment of its ETC designation. The dockets for all of the ETC applications, along with the initial filing dates are listed below:

  1. 23-DWLZ-676-ETC, DISH Wireless L.L.C. Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the State of Kansas for the Limited Purpose of Providing Lifeline Service to Qualifying Customers (Mar. 27, 2023).

  2. 24-SAGT-326-ETC, Application Sage Telcom Communications, LLC to Expand Its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Service Area (Oct. 10, 2023).

  3. 24-MCCT-411-ETC, Application of Midcontinent Communications, A South Dakota General Partnership, for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (Nov. 28, 2023).

  4. 24-IMTT-515-ETC, IM Telecom, LLC d/b/a Infiniti Mobile's Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (Jan. 23, 2024).

  5. 24-NTHT-589-ETC, Application of Nex-Tech, LLC for an Order Confirming Relinquishment of its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation In Specified Census Blocks (Feb. 23, 2024).

  6. 24-TCCZ-659-ETC, Application of TruConnect Communications, Inc. Application for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (Apr. 4, 2024).

  7. 24-NTWZ-672-ETC, Application of Nex-Tech Wireless, LLC for Expansion of its Designation as a Lifeline-Only Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (Apr. 12, 2024).

  8. 25-GOMT-124-ETC, Application of Go MD USA LLC For a Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the Purpose of Offering and Operating a Lifeline Service for Low Income Consumers (Aug. 9, 2024).

  9. 25-VMBZ-235-ETC, Application of the Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. to Expand its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designated Service Area and to Receive Lifeline Support for Eligible Services (Dec. 6, 2024).

  10. 25-AVWZ-250-ETC, Application of Air Voice Wireless, LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 for Lifeline Purposes Only (Dec. 23, 2024).

New Kansas Corporation Commission Telecom Dockets Opened In March 2025

  • 25-GIMT-332-GIT – Certification of Compliance with Section 254(e) of the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 and Certification of Appropriate Use of Kansas Universal Service Fund Support.

  • 25-SCNT-346-MIS – Application of South Central Telephone Association, Inc. for a Waiver of Certain Telecommunications Billing Practice Standards.

  • 25-EFNT-342-COM – Complaint Against Everfast Fiber Networks by Lakeview Village Inc.

  • 25-EFNT-343-COM – Complaint Against Everfast Fiber Networks by Lakeview Village Inc.

  • 25-TWOC-339-CCN – TransWorld Network Corp. Changing its Name to TransWorld Network, LLC.

  • 25-GRHT-337-MIS – Application of Gorham Telephone Co., Inc. for a Waiver of Certain Telecommunications Billing Practice Standards.

  • 25-GLCC-335-CCS – Application of Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. and Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. to Discontinue Regulated Local Exchange Services and Interexchange Services.